sábado, 27 de setembro de 2008


a Cobra-Grande
é a Mãe das Cobras
entre os Povos da Floresta

Não só indígenas
Mas todos os ribeirinhos
Ela guarda os segredos da Noite
Da Grande Noite Anterior ao Tempo

Ela doou a Noite aos homens
Para que descansassem
A pedido de sua filha
Que de um deles se enamorou

Boiúna é a Mãe da Coragem
Pune os incautos que sem honrá-la,
vão ao rio
e a acordam
na profundeza escura
das águas amazônicas

The Great Snake
is the Mother's Snakes
between the RainForest People

Not only between the indigenous ones
but also the other people that lives in there
She keeps hide the secrets of the Night
The Great Night, before the Time

She has given the Night to the men
As a time to rest theirselves
To atend a claim of her daughter
That was in love to one of them

Boiúna is the Courage's Mother
She punish the imprudents
That go to the river, without honor her
To wake up her
at the deep darkness of amazonian water

4 comentários:

Yaya disse...

Thank you for your comment on my blog. I am afraid I neither read nor write portugese. Email me at mxdmessages@gmail.com.

Mary Flower disse...

I appreciate your visit, I like your poems!

Mostrok disse...

I really love your pictures, and what you read. This one is beautiful.

Mary Flower disse...

Thank you, Mostrok. That´s a beatifull place where I went last summer.