sábado, 21 de fevereiro de 2009

Yaguarê Yamã

"Vamos chamar o vento,
vamos chamar o vento..."

As flautas repousam
herdeiras sagradas
na Casa dos Homens

Um sopro de vida
coluna soante
A flauta acorda
vibra, desdobra o ar

Lá fora
taboca, taquara
bambuzal, ninho, floresta
sacodem no vendaval

Por um momento infinito
o ruído é assustador
enquanto a flauta passeia
entre monótonos tons

Cessa a flauta,
cessa o vento,
tudo cala de uma vez

Não é festa, não é nada
É só o curumim
bulindo, brincando
de Tupana na Casa dos Homens

A frase entre aspas é da canção de Dorival Caymmi, que tem o mesmo nome.
Tupana e Tupã são a mesma divindade.

Layed down are the flutes,
sacred heritage,
at the Man's House

Suddenly, a life's blowing

at the sounding column
wake up a flute
that vibes the air around

Out there,
the bamboo trees
and all the forest leaves
dance along the wind

At this infinite moment
the noise is terrifying
though the flute keeps sounding
its repetitive sound

The flute stops
and so the wind
everything turns quiet

It is no party, it's nothing at all
but only the curumim
playing, touching, dreaming
alone at the Man's House.

3 comentários:

Mary Flower disse...

Hello, Marco,

I'm glad you like it, and proud that you added the blog as a favorite. I'd like to keep in contact with you. Thanks a lot!

Korányi Mátyás disse...

Thank you Mary your visit on my blog. Your blog is nice too. I did enjoy. :) I want to learn portuguese language. But i little speak in english too. How are you? I was fevered today (38,5). Influense. :( But i'm fine. :) bye, Mathias

Mary Flower disse...

Thank you Koranyi,for visiting me here. Take care, you'll be fine!